I (sometimes) call myself Mr. Pondersome. I'm a rather wordy, weirdy person. I say hullo a lot. I write a lot more. While you're here, why not give some of it a read?

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Last of the Summer Poetry (a.k.a. my final load of verse written before the 2nd year of uni)

Hullo again!

Well it's that time again. My summertime antics have come to an end and university is once again beckoning me back with gradual, coldly familiar fingers. So, before I have properly returned, I have decided to update my hobby-blog with the last pieces of poetry I have written before the homework and coursework starts to flood in.
The first is a riddle poem called (somewhat unimaginatively) "The Writer's Riddle". Riddle me this, Batman! You'll NEVER guess the solution! Mwahahahahahahaha!
But enough of that. Meanwhile the second poem is a longer free verse piece entitled "Just This Once" which was written whilst I was burdened with the knowledge of my imminent return and the fresh uphill struggle that will doubtlessly be placed before me. WARNING - could be harmful to cheery dispositions. Sorry about that.
Anyhoo, here they are. As always, enjoy!


A God made through the mark,
fingers drawn by mental strings;
I dye all blankness dark
with a thousand thought up things.

Ruled over by the yarn,
whipped forth by expertise;
I weave and then I darn,
my work is what I please.                   

Through my hand I help you see –
can you find the word for me?


We’re boarding
I’m boarding
                        with                 more,
my baggage wound
round my wrist –
Colour bubbling to them
while thin lips read                                         ‘COMFORTABLE’
and other pale lies.

                                    I’m bored of this
                                                            like you
but it comes in bursts
            by condition.

I may not take off this time.

I’ll try –
            Unsteady wings can still flap – right?
                                    You don’t have to hold my burden.

Just nod
            and smile
                        and be there.

I did it before,
                        I know the routine.
I know.

Just this once
                        let’s hope it’ll              take...

Anyhoo, to wear a cliched phrase down to its very bones, That's All Folks! And it really is until further notice. I'll let you know if anything changes :).

Thanks for reading,

Mr. Pondersome

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