I (sometimes) call myself Mr. Pondersome. I'm a rather wordy, weirdy person. I say hullo a lot. I write a lot more. While you're here, why not give some of it a read?

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

THE ON-GOING PONDER... (a.k.a. The Grand Opening of an even Grander Betrayal)


Well, it's happened. I've gone Tumblr.
It started off as a moment of weakness but now I can see something amazing in the works. Something new and exciting.
But this isn't the end, far from it. From now on things will work as follows:

"The Makings and Musings of Mr. Pondersome" = poetry, short short stories, general musings etc.

"The On-Going Ponder..." = lengthy poetic experimentation, novel chapter extracts, long short story extracts etc.

I'll try and update both as often as possible. In fact, I'll probably update this blog a lot quicker than the other due to the shorter creative pieces. Either way, my hope is that one will feed into the other.

As always keep your eyes peeled. I very much look forward to hearing from you (well, feeling your presence, rather. I suppose...)

Thanks for reading,

Mr. Pondersome

P.S. Before I forget, here's the link - http://mrpondersome.tumblr.com/. So far I've posted the (slightly) improved prologue for my novella "Evidence". I'm about to upload another long sound poem. See? Good stuff!

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