I (sometimes) call myself Mr. Pondersome. I'm a rather wordy, weirdy person. I say hullo a lot. I write a lot more. While you're here, why not give some of it a read?

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

"Forgive - Forget" (a.k.a. Taking an Old Adage, Stripping it of its Syllables and Making a Daft Homophonic Poem from them)

Forgive - Forget
Four to give - Four to get
Fort too - Fort two
Fought, hoo! - Fought who?
Who'd have given?
Who'd have gotten?
Two or four?
For and to?

Friday, 6 July 2012

"The Highness of Majesty, The Majesty of Highness" (a.k.a. An Admittedly Anti-Monarchist Free Verse Poem Written for the Jubilee but Forgotten about Since Until Now...)

Her Majesty does not need crowns.
Her Majesty does not need robes.
Her Majesty does not need gems.
Her Majesty does not need gloves.

His Highness does not need class.
His Highness does not need wealth.
His Highness does not need hounds.
His Highness does not need help.

One only requires a name
and the air that surrounds it.

"Piss-Take" (a.k.a. A Haiku about a Stranger I Caught Urinating into Some Bushes)

I saw him hooded,
pissing in the foliage.
He might have been you.

"Five Ways to Use a Cardboard Box" (a.k.a. A Little More Zany Thinking)

1) A low-tech robot head.

2) A lower-tech puddle bridge.

3) A communal prison for tiny teddy bear offenders.

4) A giant square bracelet (for men).

5) A (temporary) red herring in a precious cargo storage facility.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

THE ON-GOING PONDER... (a.k.a. The Grand Opening of an even Grander Betrayal)


Well, it's happened. I've gone Tumblr.
It started off as a moment of weakness but now I can see something amazing in the works. Something new and exciting.
But this isn't the end, far from it. From now on things will work as follows:

"The Makings and Musings of Mr. Pondersome" = poetry, short short stories, general musings etc.

"The On-Going Ponder..." = lengthy poetic experimentation, novel chapter extracts, long short story extracts etc.

I'll try and update both as often as possible. In fact, I'll probably update this blog a lot quicker than the other due to the shorter creative pieces. Either way, my hope is that one will feed into the other.

As always keep your eyes peeled. I very much look forward to hearing from you (well, feeling your presence, rather. I suppose...)

Thanks for reading,

Mr. Pondersome

P.S. Before I forget, here's the link - http://mrpondersome.tumblr.com/. So far I've posted the (slightly) improved prologue for my novella "Evidence". I'm about to upload another long sound poem. See? Good stuff!