I (sometimes) call myself Mr. Pondersome. I'm a rather wordy, weirdy person. I say hullo a lot. I write a lot more. While you're here, why not give some of it a read?

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Webcam Video Test 1: Sweeney Todd's "My Friends" (a.k.a. Me Singing a Musical Number with a Relatively Sharp Knife in My Hands)

Here's a bit of filler.
I don't know when I'll post something new and relatively interesting on here so I thought that I'd treat you to a side of my personality that most of you have probably not seen before.
As well as writing and reading I like to sing. Most of the time my voice is really nothing special but occasionally I do find that elusive song which suits it down to a tee. This is one of those particular songs.
In case you're not familiar with it, it is called "My Friends" and it is from the classic musical "SWEENEY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET". The backing track of this is taken/borrowed from Tim Burton's brilliant film adaptation as sung by Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter (you'll hear Ms. Bonham Carter dueting with me in certain parts of the song, particularly towards the end).
Oh, and, before I forget, I feel that I should tell you that I have a prop in this video. A very shiny, very sharp prop. A knife, in fact. Now don't worry, I was very careful when using it and (thankfully) I didn't maim myself at all during the process of the recording. Still, to all those who think it a little weird and perhaps sinister that I'm posting a video of myself singing with a knife in my hand, believe me, I totally agree. If I wasn't so proud of my singing here, embarrassment would definitely have prevented me from posting this thing in the first place.
Anyway, I'll shut up now. Here is the video. I have a final suggestion though: listen to the video rather than watch it. I don't do anything dangerous, I just look rather dorky.

Thanks for reading (and watching/listening),

Mr. Pondersome

P.S. I feel obliged to tell you that I have no firm plans to enter the world of acting or singing. I think you'll agree I'm better suited to writing :P.

P.P.S. About that suggestion I made before about listening rather than watching it; I think it's important that you do. The video itself looks awfully dark and blurry and the lip sync's off. Like I've said, I'm only just starting to understand how to use my webcam properly. Nevertheless that's definitely my voice. However I'm not actually cockney or indeed from anywhere in the South of England, believe it or not...:D.

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